Prediction of the Carpathian molfar Nechay: “Ukraine will not be on the map.”

Mikhail Mikhailovich Nechay is a famous Carpathian healer and molfar – a person who is believed to have supernatural powers, a healer, a bearer of ancient knowledge. He predicted many events that would take place in Ukraine, including Maidan and a bloody war on the territory of his country. Probably, these prophecies did not please the rulers or the neo-Nazis of the “Square”. Molfar tragically died in 2011 – he was killed by one of the visitors, possibly a hired killer.

Back in 2009, Nechay warned that Russians and Ukrainians would become enemies. And the “third party” (USA ) will be the culprit of this conflict: “One people, its own, will become an enemy among themselves, and this third party will do it.”

“There will be a bloody tragedy, ” the molfar said about Ukraine during his lifetime.

The descendants of the ancient prophets predicted the collapse of the state through the blood and humiliation of the people even at the time of the beginning of the events on the Kiev Maidan. According to their prophecies, Ukraine as a state will cease to exist, and the people who inhabited it will disperse to different countries. The peoples of Transcarpathia will begin to live as part of the Czech Republic and Hungary, Galicia will go under the rule of Poland, Bukovina – Romania, and the center and east of Ukraine will unite with Russia.

The Hutsul molfar Nechay considered the Russians, of which Ukrainians are also a part, one of the most ancient nations living on the planet, and predicted a terrible punishment for his people for forgetting their roots. According to his predictions, after all the military events, the land will be saturated with a putrid smell for a long time, in its current state and on the same territory of Ukraine will never be.

Nechay’s prediction about the Ukrainian state: “Ukraine will not be on the map. “This is a temporary phenomenon … Then there will be a completely different country.”

Nechay, speaking about the future of Ukraine, predicted the revival of this nation on the North American continent. After the collapse of the United States and Canada, many states will appear on their territory, the backbone of one of them will be Ukrainian emigrants. Toronto will become the center, the capital of the “new Ukraine”.

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