Predictions for 2025 Nostradamus

A person always strives to find out what future awaits them personally, their native country and the whole world. Regardless of your age, status and position in society, this topic is sure to arouse your interest. Nostradamus’s predictions for 2025 for Russia and the whole world will give you food for thought about the coronavirus, the economy, the world war, etc. Although Nostradamus lived in the 16th century, he left a lot of prophecies for many years to come, and they are to this day are of genuine interest not only to ordinary people, but also to political scientists, economists and politicians.

Biography of Michel Nostradamus

What year was Nostradamus born? Michel de Nostredame (fr. Michel de Nostredame) was born on December 14, 1503 in France in the city of Saint-Remy-de-Provence in the family of the notary Jom de Nostradamus. He died on July 2, 1566 in the city of Salona from complications after an illness. There is an opinion that he has Jewish roots, however, there is no way to check whether this is so.


Young Michel was educated by his grandfather, who not only taught his grandson several languages, but also discovered for him the most interesting science of astrology. At that time, this one was unusually popular and recognized at the official level. Nostradamus grew, and the stars attracted him more and more.

  • At the age of 14, he entered the University of Avignon, where not only traditional disciplines were taught: geometry, grammar, literature, but also astrology.
  • At the age of 25, young Michel had to change his field of activity. Impressed by several deaths of relatives from the plague raging in Europe at that time, he decides to enter the Faculty of Medicine. As a result, he chooses the University of Montpellier and after 5 years leaves its walls with a doctorate in medicine.
  • For a long time, Michel de Nostradamus developed a cure for the plague. However, despite painstaking and hard work with the sick, he never forgot about astrology, which still continued to attract his attention. It is believed that he did not stop self-training in this area and practiced a lot.

Fact. To this day, such a story has come down. Once Nostradamus was supposed to attend a feast with an important nobleman. And before it began, he said that “the white piglet will be eaten by the wolf, and the black one will be baked and served on the table.” The nobleman was indignant, and in order to shame the seer, he ordered the white pig to be roasted without fail. The cook rushed to fulfill the order, and was horrified to find that the wolf had really eaten the white pig! He had to bake black, as predicted.


Predictions for 2025 Nostradamus

One of the editions of centuries with quatrains-predictions.

At the age of 52, two years old, Nostradamus decides to publish his first collection of encrypted predictions. A total of 353 quatrains were published, with prophecies of future events throughout the world. Somewhat later, he expands this edition, however, the astrologer did not live to see the publication of the second volume. About 1 thousand quatrains saw the light only after his death.

Fact. The Queen of France, after reading a collection of his predictions, invited an astrologer to her place to predict her fate. Among other things, Nostradamus told the queen about the imminent death of her husband, Henry II. When the prophecy came true, Nostradamus became incredibly popular throughout the country and beyond.

  • The quatrains published by Nostradamus contained predictions for about 2300 years. Some of them turned out to be amazingly true, which is why the works of this astrologer are returned again and again.
  • During his lifetime, he became the court astrologer to Catherine de Medici and Charles IX. He was close enough to the highest ranks of the French state and even dared to give advice, which even the king of France listened to.
  • The tombstone of the grave of Nostradamus is crowned with the words: “he is the only mortal who, having a special gift, was able to capture the future of the whole world on the pages of his books.”

Centuries and quatrains

Throughout his life, Nostradamus wrote several books with predictions. The books were called centuries , and the prophecies themselves were made in poetic form in French and were called – quatrains . Many specialists are engaged in their interpretation, however, no one has been able to fully understand the meaning of all the predictions now.

Nostradamus himself did not give exact instructions on how exactly to decipher his prophecies. There are several clues to the decryption key. For example, there is an opinion that you need to add 500 years to the date of writing the quatrain, and it is the resulting number that will be the key to unraveling all the secrets. Another well-known prophecy says that in 2050 a person will appear who can decipher all the centuries of the prophet.

  • During his lifetime, he wrote 10 centuries, consisting of 942 quatrains or quatrains, each of which has a logical conclusion. Not all the prophecies of Nostradamus have survived to our time. Only four of the ten centuries have survived. However, the content of most of the quatrains is still a mystery, since the prophet used a cipher, the key to which has not yet been found.
  • When compiling prophecies, Nostradamus was based on astronomical calculations. He argued that history is cyclical and the events of the past will happen again sooner or later, it is only important to understand how to correctly calculate their periodicity. This principle allowed the astrologer to make provocative statements and amazingly accurate predictions during his lifetime.
  • It is believed that the prophecies of Nostradamus are mostly true. However, about 80% of quatrains are interpreted by various researchers in completely different ways, since there is no common “key”.

Prophecies of Nostradamus for the XXI century

It is quite difficult to determine the dates of the prophecies with absolute accuracy, and it is quite difficult to say that the prophecies made by Nostradamus are about 2025 . Therefore, all the predictions given in this section are rather arbitrary , although they will give you a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe astrologer’s predictions.

Predictions for Russia

Predictions for 2025 Nostradamus

Nostradamus: predictions about Russia in 2025.

Despite the fact that, for obvious reasons, in his predictions Nostradamus paid more attention to the countries of Europe and Asia, he did not bypass Russia either. In 2025, our state will continue to strengthen its position in the international political arena. So, if we summarize the hints that Nostradamus gave in the predictions about Russia in 2025, a number of interesting changes will occur in our state:

  • World judge. For some reason, the task of an international arbitrator between Asia and Europe will be entrusted to the shoulders of our state. The country’s leadership will have to make a number of fateful decisions not only for our country, but also for the world community as a whole. As a result, Russia will be able to reduce the conflict to a minimum and receive serious support from many states.
  • General strengthening. Around the same time, the Russian Federation will be able to seriously strengthen its position in the international arena. The government will finally learn to cooperate with the population, as a result, the standard of living will rise noticeably, and the stratification in society will noticeably decrease.
  • Cooperation with other countries. The most fruitful for Russia will be cooperation with India and China. Everyone in this alliance will have their own benefit, however, this will help move together towards a better future.
  • Economy. This direction in 2025 also expects a serious rise after a long decline. A number of laws will be adopted that will be able to reform the existing system and ensure stable economic growth. As a result of the reforms, the agrarian sector of the Russian economy will finally begin to actively develop, and by the end of the year Russia will be able to reach record positions in terms of GDP growth.
  • Emigrants. In 2025, Russia expects an unexpected wave of emigrants from some European countries and the Middle East. Residents who will flee from the war and the persecution of their own authorities will be able to find shelter in our country.
  • Flooding. In the coming year, some northern regions of our country may be on the verge of flooding from the spring flood. The reason will be climate change both in the country itself and in the world. Strong winds and an increase in average temperature will bring a lot of trouble to the inhabitants of the Arctic Circle.
  • Fires. One of the most severe prophecies says that approximately in 2020-2030 Siberia and the Far East will suffer from the strongest fires for several years in a row. It will not be possible to extinguish them on our own; as a result, hundreds of square kilometers of forest and thousands of animals will die. Many residents will find themselves alone with the raging nature.
  • Culture and morality. The attitude of Russians to moral and cultural values ​​will change in a positive direction. In 2025, people will realize that the pursuit of solely enrichment turns them into immoral puppets. Many will realize their mistakes and will try to catch up. The Church will again become an important part of the life of a Russian person and will partly enter the vertical of power.
  • New territories. Also in the quatrains there are hints about the entry of new territories into the country. However, this makes us think about the feasibility of such a scenario. The return of Crimea cost Russia too much, even if it is not customary to talk about it.
  • Frontier wars. Border military conflicts, including between Russia and Ukraine, will come to naught. It will be quite calm on the border with Afghanistan and in Syria. Relations with America will definitely not become partnerships, however, things will not go beyond sanctions and claims.

In general, if we analyze all the predictions of the great astrologer, we can conclude that next year our state will be able to overcome existing conflicts and contradictions both within society and in the international arena and begin its movement towards prosperity and well-being.

USA and Europe

But for America and Europe, Nostradamus predicted the beginning of serious destructive processes. The United States is almost ready to dive into the abyss of a bloody civil war. And now we really see the real prerequisites for the development of such events. A few years ago, the last step almost became the murder of an African American by police, which shook the whole world.

General meaning. The countries of Europe and the USA will gradually have to give up their place as a world leader. Their influence will decline, and many countries will no longer have an alternative but to seek alliances with more traditional countries.

As we have already said, Nostradamus believed that history is cyclical, and many experts adapt part of his predictions for Europe in the 15th-16th centuries to modern history:

  • The outlook of both the rulers and the population of the countries of the Old and New Worlds will change.
  • Emigrants and people of other faiths who come to the Old World will bring new traditions and customs with them – there are hints that this will be the beginning of the end of European greatness.
  • According to another version, Europe will wallow in sin, change the Christian commandments – for which it will be punished.
  • The hastily created “inquisition” will not be able to restore order, and the country will be mired in religious and political riots.

Predictions for the whole world

Nostradamus quite often spoke about natural phenomena and cataclysms, often calling them the result of the actions and vices of the people themselves. Now it becomes obvious that the prophet was absolutely right.

Here are some Nostradamus predictions for 2025 for the whole world:

  • China. This country will take a leading position not only in the field of technology and electronics, but also in the economy and military power. Even now we can say with confidence that the Celestial Empire is already very close to this title. Chinese scientists will come close to inventing a new way to travel hundreds of kilometers in space in a few seconds.
  • Developing countries. In some developing countries like Mexico, India or Brazil there will be large-scale political upheavals. The overall result will be positive, however, one cannot do without human losses.
  • Energy. The current energy problems of mankind will be solved gradually. In 2020-2030, the world will discover a new, clean and safe source of energy that will make heat and hydropower a thing of the past once and for all. Apparently, we are talking about thermonuclear reactors.
  • Rising water level. During the same period, Nostradamus predicted a rise in the level of the world’s oceans as a result of high levels of precipitation almost everywhere in the European part of Eurasia. The coast of North America, and the island states of Asia and Europe, will be affected by the destructive power of nature.
  • New religion. One of the most striking predictions of Nostradamus speaks of the emergence in the first half of the 21st century of a new religion that will radically change people’s attitudes towards God and life’s values. The vague hints in the astrologer’s quatrains do not allow us to understand exactly on the basis of which religion this new trend will be based, or whose postulates will be closest to it. Someone believes that it will be a kind of mixture of Orthodox and Catholic branches of Christianity, someone argues about the merging of Christianity and Islam.

World War

Predictions for 2025 Nostradamus

Drawing of Nostradamus – Antichrist.

The history of mankind is inextricably linked with the conduct of wars of various scales. There was not a single period in history that could be called a time of peace. For example, from the very moment of its foundation, the territory of our state was torn apart by both internal contradictions and external enemies. Some followers of Nostradamus believe that it is in 2025 that the Third World War may break out. According to the predictions of the astrologer, many states will be forcibly drawn into a large-scale conflict. The roots of the military conflict will go to the confrontation between two or more religions.

  • Antichrist. The harbinger of these events will be the appearance of the Antichrist. Some researchers of quatrains claim that Nostradamus did not mean a person, but some kind of artificial creature, robot, machine, or even a program.
  • Where it all starts. Regarding the country-instigator of the military conflict and the birthplace of the Antichrist, researchers disagree. But the “mass migration of peoples” leaves no doubt, most likely, it was about the conflict in Syria and Afghanistan, as a result of which many countries of the European Union were flooded with Muslim refugees. The clash of cultures will not pass without a trace, visitors will demand the same rights as the indigenous population, and social unrest and even armed clashes will begin on this basis.

Information war

Mankind has stepped far ahead, and not only in terms of knowledge and skills, but also in terms of weapons and warfare. It is obvious that the next world war may be the last in history, so open conflict will be avoided in every possible way. The tense political situation will continue, but the war will unfold sooner in the information field.

The predictions of Nostradamus are not very verbose, and are difficult to guess. Apparently, there will be an information war, or, as interpreters say, a war for the souls of people.

“… And the word in that war will be sharper than the sword…”

And as we can see, this war has already begun, it has advancing and defending sides, its own troops and generals … How much better or worse it is than a traditional war, time will tell.

World economy

The world economy, according to the prediction of Nostradamus, will be in decline for some more time. Although a noticeable stabilization of the process is expected in 2025, this means nothing more nor less than the absence of a further fall. Our country, despite the general economic chaos, will be able to raise the standard of living of its population in the coming year and even gain a foothold in the world market.

  • Change of centers of influence. The economic potential of the Russian Federation will continue to grow, neither sanctions nor other foreign policy difficulties will interfere with this process. In alliance with China and India, our country will be able to significantly strengthen its economic system. But the US will continue to lose its influence in the international arena and will be more busy with domestic affairs. As a result, the center of influence will move from the US to Russia and China.
  • Movement of people and money. There will be a global movement of people and finance from west to east, which will significantly change the balance of power in Europe.
  • traditional professions. Many people, due to global changes in the economy, decide to try themselves in a new area. Someone decides to change their profession and look for new ways to earn money. However, according to the prediction of Nostradamus, representatives of traditional professions will gradually become the most successful: farmers, handicraftsmen, agronomists, etc.

About the climate

Large-scale natural disasters were predicted by many prophets, and Michel Nostradamus was no exception. Although in those days there were no such problems as we see now, the information encrypted in quatrains clearly indicates not only climate change, but also serious natural disasters.

  • Fires. Mass fires will cause big problems around the world. The astrologer claimed that the fire would be of such strength that it would be impossible to see either the moon or the stars in the sky. In Africa, according to the prediction of Nostradamus, famine and drought will begin. Many victims of natural disasters and famine will begin resettlement in the western part of Europe. However, fires here will also cause food shortages and weaken local authorities.
  • World flood. While one part of the world will suffer from drought and fires, another will be covered by endless downpours, as a result of which the water level in the oceans will rise. As a result, some coastal areas around the planet will be flooded. The result will be the same: poverty, hunger, riots. Most natural disasters will occur in Oceania and Australia.
  • Fall of an asteroid. Even Nostradamus spoke about the fall of a star to the Earth, which would lead to a tsunami of incredible power, from which entire states could disappear from the face of the Earth.

Predictions about diseases and epidemics

Predictions for 2025 Nostradamus

Watercolor of Nostradamus: civil war or rebellion.

The coronavirus that began in 2020 and is still ongoing in 2025 has dramatically changed the whole world. It has forced governments to rethink healthcare, vaccinate, close borders, and cut themselves off from the rest of the world that seemed impossible in an age of globalization.

In the quatrains of Nostradamus there were hints of the emergence of some new infection that would take the lives of millions. The disease will continue to torment humanity for 3 years, until finally a remedy is found to defeat it.

Parade of planets in 2025

According to some interpreters, Nostradamus has quatrains that indicate some kind of planetary catastrophe on the day of the parade of the planets. Here is one of the verbatim prophecies:

… That year the Sun will be in the constellation Leo opposite Aquarius …

Because of this, a catastrophe may occur on our planet, as a result of which humanity will almost completely die. However, such astronomical phenomena occur regularly – approximately once every 20 years, and they have not yet led to the death of all living things. The next parade of planets will be in March 2025 .

There is an opinion that the earth’s magnetic field can change, and this can lead to a sharp jump in temperature, after which irreversible changes will begin on the entire planet:

  • Much of the water will evaporate.
  • Very strong hurricanes and tornadoes.
  • Sleeping volcanoes wake up.
  • Volcanic ash and high humidity will create an analogue of “nuclear winter”.

All life on the planet can disappear, unable to withstand these terrible events! But do not panic in advance: perhaps Nostradamus was wrong. And the parade of planets in 2025, about which the prophet spoke, will be an ordinary cosmic phenomenon, no different from what happened before.

Last prediction

Quite an interesting video – the last prediction of Nostradamus.

Do you believe the prophecies of Nostradamus?

The quatrains of Nostradamus are still a mystery. Even during his lifetime, the astrologer believed that not everyone was given to see the future and know its secrets. Only the worthy, in his opinion, will be able to decipher his allegories and put together an accurate picture of the future from them. That is why he put the prophecies into a poetic form, which still baffles the most perspicacious minds of our time.

Fulfilled predictions of Nostradamus

Predictions for 2025 Nostradamus

Illustration for the predictions of Nostradamus 2025.

During his life, Nostradamus made many prophecies, not only for Catherine de Medici. He pointed to many events of our time, so his predictions are considered one of the most truthful and often refer to the collections of prophecies of the French medium. His works are still of great interest not only among philosophers, politicians, historians, but also among ordinary people.

Here are some of the astrologer’s predictions that have come true:

  • Duel and death of King Henry II of France.
  • A massive fire that engulfed almost all of Paris.
  • The reign of Napoleon, whom the prophet called the First Antichrist.
  • Creation of the Gregorian calendar in 1582.
  • Recognition of US independence in 1776.
  • Invention and first balloon flights in 1778.
  • The advent of telephone communication in 1876.
  • Revolutionary coup of power in Russia in 1917 and the Civil War.
  • The advent of the Second Antichrist in 1939 – Hitler and the beginning of the Second World War.
  • The atomic bombing of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Of course, not all of his prophecies came true. Most have remained a mystery, while others seem impossible. However, the past shows that it is still worth listening to the sound of the quatrains of an astrologer, because they really contain many mysteries of the future.

Constructive criticism

There is a lot of criticism of the prophecies of the French astrologer

  • There are very few really serious scientists among the interpreters of quatrains.
  • The content of quatrains can be interpreted from completely different points of view, interpreting them this way and that way.
  • Some believe that all predictions are just fiction, and Nostradamus specifically composed them in such a way that they could not be deciphered.
  • In 2012, the whole world was shocked by his prediction of Nostradamus about the approaching end of the world, which did not happen.


The future worries everyone, because this is how you can prepare for future events, protect yourself and your loved ones, feeling confident in the coming day. Of course, not everyone can see the future. However, only those who have been given this gift from heaven know how dearly one has to pay for the opportunity to look into the future with at least one eye. One of these unique people was Michel de Nostradamus. This astrologer predicted the future in his quatrains, and was able to foresee what would happen on the planet. Some of his prophecies have already come true, many are coming true right now.

We tried to acquaint you with the predictions of Nostradamus for 2025, but to believe in them or not is up to you.

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