Hunger, war and friendship. Vanga’s predictions for 2020 (7 photos)
I think that everyone knows the Bulgarian prophetess, who accurately predicted the future, healed people. And she even gave advice to the rulers, and was just a kind person who reassured and gave hope to people. As you know, she was blind, but she commented on it like this: “God took my eyes, but gave me others who look at both the visible and the invisible world.”
Before reading what Vanga predicted for 2020, let us recall, first, her recently come true visions.
1. The death of Indira Gandhi . As the sorceress foretold, the orange dress will destroy her. And in fact, on 10/31/1984, Indira was going to an interview, put on an orange dress, but took off her bulletproof vest, which did not look good with the dress. In the evening she was killed by her own guard with a pistol.
2. The death of the submarine “Kursk” . Vanga said that Kursk would disappear under the surface of the water, and there would be world mourning. Then everyone decided that we were talking about flooding the entire city, but after almost twenty years, as Vanga foretold, at the turn of the millennium, an ominous vision came true. On August 12, 2000, the whole world was shocked by the news of the terrible tragedy in the Barents Sea, which claimed 118 lives.
3. September 11, 2001 . Here is the exact prediction: “Horror! American people will fall, killed by iron birds. The wolves will howl in the bushes, and the blood will flow in rivers. No one even guessed that we were talking about such a large-scale tragedy. However, there is one more important detail: in Bulgarian, the word “bush” sounds like bush. It was George W. Bush who was then President of the United States.
So what is in store for us in 2020? According to the visions of the Bulgarian, the day when 5 deuces converge will become a turning point, namely, these are the dates 02/22/2020 and 12/22/2020. These days will be the most dangerous for all mankind. Her translator, namely Stoyan Petrov, claimed that Vanga was talking about “a certain illness” and most likely its onset is associated with these dates.
The witch also said, “The swallow will return to its nest.” Many believe that we are talking about the return of Ukraine to Russia. Since, Vanga also said that closer to 2020, the three sisters would reunite, and the older sister would forgive everything. Here, we are talking about Russia – as an older sister, Ukraine and Belarus. Judging by these statements, one can conclude that political relations between Ukraine and Russia will become peaceful.
In addition to everything written above, Vanga foresaw an abnormally hot summer, with minimal rainfall.
And the worst thing that Vanga said is that the world is waiting for a military conflict due to the fall of currencies and religions. But Russia will bypass this misfortune.
As for America, the United States, according to the Bulgarian, will lose its head. Crisis and scandalous elections will suck the energy out of people.
Believe in predictions or not, it’s up to you to decide. The most important thing is to believe in the world and hope for the best.