Vanga’s predictions for 2020. The fall of the ruble and coronovirus. Vanga was right…
2020 will be a fateful year for all mankind!
The fall of the global economy and a dangerous disease in 2020
Vanga’s predictions are coming true at the moment. The biggest financial crisis is hitting us mercilessly. The reason for this is the plague of the 21st century – the coronavirus. Vanga mentioned in her predictions about some kind of dangerous disease in 2020. And the deplorable situation on this occasion can already be observed today …
Thousands of people are dying because of the virus (the number of infected exceeds 30 thousand people and the numbers are only growing every day), educational institutions, shopping centers are being quarantined, borders with countries are being blocked, mass events are not being held, which greatly affects the global economy, in In particular, the Russian ruble suffered. And the fortune teller was right! Vanga also mentioned that chaos would overtake the whole world, and Russia would adequately preserve its traditional values, which could not be said about Europe.