Blessed Nicholas of Ural predicted that China would take over Russia

Archbishop Nicholas was born in 1882 in Yekaterinburg. Outside of church activities, he was known under the name of Vladimir Muravyov-Uralsky. He became one of the few who went to the front during the First World War as a regimental priest.

During his life, Nikolai Uralsky made several significant predictions for the future, which may come true in the near future. He always firmly said that the main threat to the Russian state lies in the east, not in the west.

According to his prediction, overnight Chinese soldiers will be sent to the southern Russian lands. And while China will dispose of foreign territories with impunity, the entire West will remain silent – no one will say a word against or condemn such actions. And in cold times, Chinese soldiers will drive the Russian people out into the street, taking them to their homes to keep warm. Not many will survive this winter.

China will be able to reach the Caspian Sea without suffering practically any losses. And immediately after the formidable army, settlers will go, who will quickly settle on Russian soil. The indigenous population will be completely subjugated and will not be able to resist the threat that has come.

Blessed Nicholas of Ural predicted that China would take over Russia

Location of the Caspian Sea.

Europe will be rewarded for its silence – the chaos from the Russian lands will soon be transferred to their territory. According to Nikolai Uralsky, the demons will set one people against another and force people to use chemicals and bacteria against each other (most likely, we are talking about types of weapons – ed.). The result will be a pronounced sense of the approaching end of the world throughout the world.

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