Feofan Poltava’s prediction about the future of Russia
On the eve of the new year 2018, journalists are intensively looking for prophecies for the next twelve-month period that awaits all of us, as it excites almost everyone today. And although many great and even not very great oracles, most often, did not give forecasts exactly by year, it is possible to understand that this or that prophecy still refers to our turning point in history.
It is no coincidence that the writing brethren pulled out almost from non-existence the unofficial confessor of the family of the last tsar of the Russian Empire, a certain Feofan of Poltava (in the world of Vasily Bystrov), who, like many other extraordinary people initiated into the mysteries of being, could foresee the future, naturally, his views in this plan concerned primarily Russia.
At the beginning of the last century, Theophan of Poltava already foresaw the collapse of the Russian Empire, the fall of spirituality and the destruction of Orthodoxy in the country. However, he said that, in the end, “what no one in the world expects will happen,” namely: Russia will rise from the dead, like a Phoenix from the ashes. Orthodoxy will also be reborn, although it will become completely different, more pure and spiritual. Yes, and the government in Russia will be a match for this spirituality – the Orthodox monarchy.
It is difficult to say what future that confessor of the family of Nicholas II directed his gaze to, it is very difficult to tie his prophecies specifically to 2018, but today, in connection with the scandal surrounding the film “Matilda”, the name of the last monarch of the Romanov dynasty and all that surrounded him again stirred up the public. It is not surprising that the unofficial confessor of the royal family also surfaced on this wave.
By the way, journalists also recall the official confessor of the last reigning Romanov family – Grigory Rasputin, who also liked to look into the future and, they say, also had considerable talent in this matter. So Rasputin very accurately foresaw that at the end of the twentieth century Russia would be deceived when they promised mountains of gold, and paid with clay shards and made another attempt to conquer a great country. Nothing will come of this venture. And soon a great holy man from the East will arrive in Russia – a prophet, with whose name all spiritual transformations in the country will be associated …
The Russians can breathe easy, at least those of them who can really live to see all these blessed changes…