What awaits the world and Russia according to the prediction of the Bulgarian seer Vanga about the coronavirus (6 photos)

The predictions of the Bulgarian seer Vanga about the coronavirus are very relevant now, as the world has a serious problem with the new Chinese virus 2019 n-Cov. She argued that humanity would suffer greatly from a terrible disease in the mirror year, and trouble would come from the “yellow”. But many argue whether this refers to the Chinese coronavirus or is it a different disease. Russia is also interested in this prediction.

What the clairvoyant Vanga predicted about the new coronavirus: will it affect Russia

What awaits the world and Russia according to the prediction of the Bulgarian seer Vanga about the coronavirus (6 photos)

A new type of coronavirus 2019 n-Cov is gradually taking over the whole world. The disease, like the plague, affects more and more people. It all started in December 2019 in the Chinese city of Wuhan.

To date, 37 thousand people around the world have already been infected. Moreover, 815 have already died, two of them are foreigners. But there is good news: almost 2,700 people have already fully recovered.

A virus, little studied in medicine, is most likely the result of mutations. But so far no cure or vaccine has been found for it. Treatment is aimed at maintaining immunity and relieving symptoms. Death occurs as a result of the connection of atypical pneumonia.

What awaits the world and Russia according to the prediction of the Bulgarian seer Vanga about the coronavirus (6 photos)

Now on the Internet it is being actively discussed that the world-famous Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga also made a prediction about a “terrible disease from the past.” True, all her prophecies must be able to correctly translate and interpret.

Whether her prediction can be attributed specifically to the new Chinese coronavirus is not yet clear, but many are leaning towards this. The journalist from Russia Sergey Kostornoy, who spoke with her in 1995, tells about the fateful prediction of Vanga. According to him, the prediction sounded like this:

“A very significant event for humanity will occur in the year of 5 deuces. When there is a year-mirror, the whole world will not be happy. Trouble will come from the “yellows”. The planet will be engulfed by some kind of terrible disease from the past, which in a short period will be able to take the lives of a huge number of people. They will fall right in the street and die.”

Of course, Vanga did not talk about the exact dates. Her predictions must be able to be understood correctly. But the mirror year, according to many experts, is 2020. And the “yellows”, most likely, are the inhabitants of China. The Chinese are also called the “yellow race” because of their corresponding skin tone.

What awaits the world and Russia according to the prediction of the Bulgarian seer Vanga about the coronavirus (6 photos)

There was nothing specifically about Russia and the coronavirus in Vanga’s prediction. It was about the inhabitants of the entire planet, which means that the Russian Federation can also be covered by a “terrible disease.”

What are the predictions of scientists and doctors regarding coronavirus

What awaits the world and Russia according to the prediction of the Bulgarian seer Vanga about the coronavirus (6 photos)

Many experts argue about whether the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga predicted the arrival of the Chinese coronavirus in 2020 or whether it is a completely new disaster. Dmitry Edelev, professor and doctor of medical sciences of the Russian Federation, explains:

“Coronavirus 2019 n-Cov is a new species, and therefore, at the moment, humanity has no cure for it. And in Vanga’s predictions there is a clause that the disease is from the past. So, it has been studied and there is a cure. So, it is easy to deal with it. True, there are disturbing factors. Where did this new coronavirus come from and how will it mutate further? If we consider analogues, then the mortality rate may not reach 3%, as it is now in China, but actually up to 50%. If this happens, then Vanga’s prophecy will come true.

What awaits the world and Russia according to the prediction of the Bulgarian seer Vanga about the coronavirus (6 photos)

Marina Zueva, who is a candidate of biological sciences and an immunologist, thinks completely differently:

“The coronavirus, as a real disease, was first known in 1965. It is likely that it existed before, but was simply not discovered. In 2002-2003, there was already an epidemic with similar symptoms and, characteristically, SARS also appeared then. True, the number of deaths is significantly different. Now, in 30 days, as many people died from the 2019 n-Cov coronavirus as during the entire epidemic in 2002-2003. Nevertheless, the disease can be considered from the past, as Vanga predicted.

In fact, only Vanga could clarify what kind of illness was discussed in her prophecies. And that’s just speculation.

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