Writers looking into the future. What fantastic has not come true yet? (6 photos)
Televisions, computers, cell phones, spaceships, and even the Internet have all popped up in one way or another in the stories of science fiction writers or theoretical scientists. Now these inventions do not seem like something fantastic. But our article is about what has already been invented or will be created in the near future. It is about scientific theories or inventions that are currently impossible for one reason or another.
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky believed that everyone would be resurrected
The Russian inventor and philosopher was seriously interested in the “theory of universal resurrection” . And this is not a day of judgment, when the dead will rise from the grave, but a completely scientific reasoning. He believed that someday humanity will be able to invent a technology that can bring back to life all the people who have ever lived on Earth. This will be the moment of restoration of universal planetary justice and a gift to all who did not live to see these days.
All these arguments only give rise to questions. For example, why resurrect everyone or where to get so much space on the planet? The scientist does not say directly that the resurrection will be the creation of a new shell of flesh. He assumed that the highest level of existence is pure energy. Freedom over space and time. And humanity will certainly pass to this stage in the distant future.
Nick Bostrom says AI doesn’t care about us

Many have watched films about robots that are at war with humanity or about an evil computer that began to control everything and made people slaves. But the Swedish philosopher, Oxford University professor Nick Bostrom thinks otherwise. He has written an entire book on the potential development of Artificial Intelligence (AI). There are over 2000 pages of theoretical reasoning. Although the author tried to write in an artistic and understandable language, still few people will master such a book to the end.

In the book, he writes that if AI gets complete freedom of action, then it will absolutely not care about humanity and its development. He will follow his incomprehensible goals to us. He compares man to an ant. Just as a person completely calmly destroys an anthill if he needs, for example, to build a road here, so AI can demolish an extra city or village that may interfere with its goal.

Man does not wish harm to ants, he is not hostile towards them and does not want to destroy them all. Just an unfortunate anthill stood in the way of progress. So, we can become this unfortunate anthill. And there is no malice here. By the way, Bostrom argues that if AI wants to destroy us, it can do it in just a couple of seconds. Of course, he will prepare for this, but we will never know about it and will live a peaceful life. So, in principle, there can be no wars with the “terminators” .
Everything will happen instantly and quickly. For us…
Bonus. Full freedom. Resolving religious disputes and problems of life

Imagine a time when everything is open. You can recover from all diseases, as they are treated at the atomic level with the help of nano-bodies. Free movement in time, as temporary borders are open. You are everywhere and nowhere. Science and religion no longer exist because there is nothing to discover or prove. Everything is clear and everything is studied.
We know where we came from and where we are going. We know how everything appeared and why it appeared. The writer Isaac Asimov often talked about this topic in his books. Great time. And in his book In the Beginning, he talks about God from a scientific point of view. Here is one of his quotes that will definitely make you think: