Vanga’s unpublished prediction (5 photos)
Much has been written that she has never said in her life .. but also a lot of what no one has publicly voiced so far …
I was traveling on the train Peter Moscow .. Well, as usual, in order not to be bored, I talked with my neighbor in the compartment .. He is a citizen of Bulgaria who, as it turned out, spoke Russian quite well, although what is surprising .. the languages are painfully similar …
Well, among other things, we talked about the Bulgarian clairvoyant Baba Vanga …
And then, first of all, he grabbed his head, that in Russia he wrote a lot of what she had not predicted in her life .. And not a word about some things …
Of course, let’s find out what the seer said that we haven’t heard yet!?
– First, he said about ,,contact,, people with aliens … And moreover, this contact was and will still be, and that this contact was even carried out, as they say, ,,remotely,, at a distance ..
He said that the role of Russia is still not appreciated .. and when they understand, they will be surprised, in a good way … That the Siberian forest must be saved so that it can save people, that in this decade there will be many surprises for the whole planet … And bad and good ones… But in general, everything will be fine, callous people will become stale and bright people will blossom…
He said a lot of things, but you can’t remember everything, and what he said, excuse me suddenly what an inaccuracy he made … I had to write it down right away .. One thing pleases that in general everything will be fine !!! Here is Vanga’s unpublished prediction.