What do the prophets predict for 2020?
We can easily remember what happened, but we can hardly imagine what will happen to us. Some prophets left us their predictions for 2020.
These prophecies have been compiled from various sources and it is quite possible that one of these predictors will be right about the events that await us in 2020. Moreover, this year consists of two twenties, which adds to it a certain mysticism.
Maria Duval Predictions for 2020 for Russia
For Russia this year, the seer prophesies only good prospects and a bright future. So she says that Russia is one of the first countries in Europe to emerge from the second wave of the crisis and will even give loans to other countries. Maria Duval’s predictions promise that by 2020 Russia will become one of the richest countries in the world, and the level of prosperity of ordinary citizens will rise to the European level. But not everything is so easy in this life, in order to become a superpower, Russia will have to fight with someone. Among other things, Duval says that in the near future scientists will develop anti-aging drugs that will allow a person to live up to 140 years, scientists from Ukraine and Russia will play an important role in the development of these drugs.
Valeria Koltsova’s predictions for 2020
We can say with confidence that the predictions of the clairvoyant Valeria Koltsova come true. She predicted in 2009 the global financial crisis, the depreciation of the dollar. Valeria Koltsova predicted that the Russian ruble would soon become the single world currency, which all countries of the world would pay for oil and gas. The euro and the dollar will not be able to justify themselves, as the regression of the economy will continue in the EU and the USA. Valeria Koltsova’s predictions for 2020 indicate that a huge tsunami awaits the United States, as a result of which residents of many coastal cities will be resettled. From this moment, the gradual flooding of the territory of North America and Western Europe will begin. In addition to natural disasters, America is expecting a very serious economic crisis, which will lead to the depreciation of the dollar, mass unrest of the population.
Globa’s predictions for 2020 for Russia
A long time ago, in an interview, an astrologer said that in 2020 Russia would face a systemic crisis that would last 7 years, until 2019. Also, Pavel Globa suggested that an ordinary Russian village would lead Russia out of the crisis, which would become a stronghold for the country’s economy. Since the world’s population is increasing every year, there will not be enough food for everyone at one moment, food prices are rising, so indeed, agricultural products will become the locomotive of the entire country’s budget. Also, the astrologer made a rather incredible assumption that the capital of Russia would be moved to the south, as an option, either Rostov-on-Don or Nizhny Novgorod would become the capital. What reasons are caused by his predictions of Pavel Globa for 2020, he is silent.
Edgar Cayce Predictions for 2020
During his life, an American clairvoyant from the city of Kentucky made about 26 thousand predictions, it is noteworthy that he saw all the events that he predicted while under the influence of hypnotic sleep. What predictions did Casey make for 2020? Edgar did not foresee any, especially serious cataclysms, or the end of the world this year. But he mentioned that in the year of the Rat we should expect a change of eras. In general, Cayce’s predictions are in many ways similar to the predictions of other equally famous clairvoyants. The psychic predicted many events, but the most important of them are the beginning of World War II, the flight of man into space, and the creation of the atomic bomb.
Monk Abel’s prediction for 2020
Monk Abel repeatedly predicted many events with great accuracy, for example, the fate of Russian tsars, as well as a large number of significant dates in the history of Russia. The predictions of the monk Abel are placed in three of his books, but unfortunately, most of them have been lost by our time. Unlike most prophecies that predict the end of the world in 2020, the predictions of the monk Abel do not end in 2020, but in 2892. 2020, according to the records of the monk Abel, will not be easy, and to be exact, difficult, this will manifest itself in a large number of earthly disasters as well as human deprivation. According to Abel’s predictions, we will definitely survive 2020, and fortunately there will be no end of the world, but it will not be easy.