Why the third part of the Fatima prediction is shrouded in mystery. And what role does Russia play in it (3 photos)

A legendary prophecy that still haunts the minds of all nations.

The Fatima prophecy has three parts. The first two have long been open, but the third is still banned. And its content is carefully hidden from publicity.

At the beginning of the last century, the Blessed Virgin Mary herself appeared to three children from the Portuguese town of Fatima.

Why the third part of the Fatima prediction is shrouded in mystery. And what role does Russia play in it (3 photos)

In this knowledge, she revealed to them three prophecies, and all of them were about Russia. The first is about the revolution, the second is about the Second World War. All of them have come true. She gave the recorded manuscripts to the Vatican. And this is where the fun begins. The Vatican has tabooed the third part of the Fatima prophecy. And hid it in his secret archives. All attempts by individual Catholic leaders to publish the prophecy ended sadly for them.

What scared the Catholic See so much that they were so scared??? For more than a hundred years, this secret has been sealed under seven seals, and they are in no hurry to make it public. But from time to time the veil of secrecy is lifted in general terms. It happens at different times.

Once a pilgrim from Russia, an emigrant, came to Lucia Santos (one of the three who was the Virgin Mary). And she asked what awaits her homeland. To which Lucia replied, “Russia has a great future.” She did not answer other questions. There is also an assumption that during M. Gorbachev’s visit to the Pope, a part of the prophecy was nevertheless revealed. But only the one that talked about the collapse of the USSR. At that time, our government was repeatedly asked to sell part of our country, namely Siberia.

Is it because it is about this part of the earth that the secret part of the prophecy is spoken of …

There is one more fact, the date which is indicated in the third part consists of a repeating number.
In 2018, the Bilderber Club took place in Turin. This meeting was attended for the first time by the Pope.

Why the third part of the Fatima prediction is shrouded in mystery. And what role does Russia play in it (3 photos)

And the main topic of the meeting was Russia. Was it really there that the secret of the Fatima prophecy was discovered? And what did they discuss at the most closed meeting of the world.

We can only speculate about this…

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