Young Kaede predicted tragedy in the US and bloodshed in Europe from the Arabs in 2020 (4 photos)

Kaede Uber has long been called the new Vanga of our time. This opinion is shared by many media representatives and ordinary citizens from around the world. And not unreasonably. The girl made many predictions that came true. Some of them should become reality this year.

Now Kaede is only 17 years old, but this does not prevent her from being known to the whole world. Moreover, from birth she suffers from a terrible genetic pathology, which should lead to critical weakening of the muscles and almost complete loss of vision. Although so far the girl is experiencing only moderate eye problems.

Kaede began to talk about the future at an early age – as soon as she learned to talk with others. Her first frightening prediction was the words about the imminent heart attack of her grandmother and the loss of her stepfather. It was then that the world found out about her. It is noteworthy that only after that, the native girls connected the abilities of the young soothsayer with Vanga’s prophecy. Millions of people from all over the world immediately agreed with this opinion.

Young Kaede predicted tragedy in the US and bloodshed in Europe from the Arabs in 2020 (4 photos)
Vanga, 15 years before the birth of Kaede, said that her gift would go to an unusual French girl and asked to find her.

According to Kaede herself, she does not take predictions “from the void” – from time to time she sees indistinct black figures that approach her and talk about upcoming events. It is noteworthy that the worse the girl’s eyesight becomes, the more distinct and frequent strange guests become.

Previously, the girl was able to predict many unpleasant events. Including carrying out acts of aggression by banned terrorist organizations in the territories of France, the United States and Belgium. She also knew in advance about the departure of George W. Bush from politics, quite accurately described the conflicts in eastern countries and warned of a new flu from Hong Kong.

Young Kaede predicted tragedy in the US and bloodshed in Europe from the Arabs in 2020 (4 photos)
The girl writes down all her visions in her personal notebook and sometimes supplements.

Young Kaede also spoke about upcoming events that could become a reality before the end of 2020. Her prognosis can hardly be called comforting. The girl warned that the world would suffer significantly from the actions of various aggressive organizations that would try to inflict several blows at once. The United States will suffer the most in this regard.

Kaede said that one of the most important issues for 2020 will be people from the east. The number of refugees in Europe will increase manifold, which will cause chaos. Moreover, she complained about the unusual fear that she experiences at the sight of people with an oriental appearance. It seems to her that a great threat emanates from them, and internal premonitions are a warning of an approaching disaster. In addition, there was a case when a mysterious figure told her that the Arabs would bring bloodshed to Europe.

According to the girl, this year the world will also suffer from environmental problems, and in the second half, humanity will face a shortage of clean drinking water. It is worth noting that Kaede warned the world in advance about a new type of disease that would kill millions of people. If then it seemed like a fantasy, now everything has become a reality.

Young Kaede predicted tragedy in the US and bloodshed in Europe from the Arabs in 2020 (4 photos)
The girl warned about the eruption of volcanoes in Yellowstone and Alaska.

Kaede didn’t say much about Russia. According to her, the country will be able to avoid many of the troubles that will fall on the world in 2020. She is also sure that no Third World War will begin in the near future. At the same time, Russia will bypass most of the cataclysms.

The only warning for the Russians was the words that the country should be wary of interacting with eastern emigrants. Kaede is sure that they are the main distributors of new diseases.

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