Predictions of the monk Ragno Nero (Black Spider)

What will happen to half of humanity, and when will the meeting with aliens take place? These and many other questions are answered in his “Book of Eternity”.

The other day, Channel One and Russia 24 received information about the predictions of a certain Italian monk, nicknamed the Black Spider. Moreover, on one channel they listened to the predictions, and on the other they criticized and called it a historical hoax.

A book with prophecies for 3500 years ahead, also known as the “Book of Eternity”, was found in Italy, in the city of Bologna, during excavations of a medieval monastery in 1972. It was written in the style of Nostradamus, predictions were given in poetic form.

At the end of each chapter, a black spider was drawn like a seal. From this spider, scientists have found out the authorship of the book – it was written by Federico Martelli – a monk who lived in this monastery in the 15th or 16th century, it was he who had such a nickname (Ragno Nero).

One publishing house in the UK undertook to translate and decipher this book. And it turned out that Rano Nero described two world wars in his book and even named their dates, atomic explosions and other disasters, as well as Stalin. He called him a man descending from a mountain with smoke from his mouth.

Rano Nero promised 5 diseases in the 20th century that would take the lives of half of humanity. And one of them, according to him, will be retribution for debauchery. AIDS appeared in 1981. Cancer, anthrax, dangerous strains of influenza, whooping cough – all this happened, but, fortunately, not on such a scale … The current pandemic was immediately attributed to these predictions. After all, maybe the Black Spider just made a little mistake with the dates?

Rano Nero also promised all sorts of cataclysms – the appearance of a second sun, and so bright that many will go blind from its light, tsunamis, a change of poles, global warming

But the meeting with aliens will not happen very soon, in 3044!

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