Clairvoyant predictions for 2019 (4 photos)

Predictions for 2019, which concern not only our country, but the whole world, will surely attract the attention of many. Indeed, since ancient times, people have paid special attention to the prophecies of clairvoyants, and many of them have already come true and become a reality. Among the forecasts of clairvoyants who are already well known to many, these are Vanga, Matrona of Moscow, Nostradamus, many today are trying to listen to modern forecasts. Here we are, let’s get acquainted with the most striking events that await us and which are already being discussed in full.

Clairvoyant prophecies

    • Forecast 1. Pavel Globa. It is this psychic who predicts events based on astrological charts, thanks to which one can make a long-term and short-term forecast for the very near future. What’s in store for this year?
      1. Promises a dramatic improvement in the state of the country.
      2. Positive changes will affect the economy.
      3. Both the industrial sector and the military will develop, against the background of an increase in the budget, even social and housing conditions will sharply increase
        Globa promises successful, and even early implementation of all plans
        Unification of the Russian state with neighboring countries in order to create a powerful economic union post-Soviet countries not included in the association).
      4. The fall of the United States or the deterioration of the standard of living in the country against the backdrop of internal political conflicts (opposition, Protestants, terrorists, sectarians).
      5. The EU may disintegrate against the backdrop of constant contradictions, which are most clearly shown by the UK, which is striving to withdraw from the union.

Clairvoyant predictions for 2019 (4 photos)

    • Forecast 2. Matrona of Moscow.This is one of the clairvoyants, most of the predictions that have already come true, so many pay special attention to her words. If we talk about our country, then the following words should be noted. “Russia began to revive from the beginning of the 21st century. The period when the States tried to feed it with their loans is already far behind. The powerful leader of the country and the patriotic uplift of the spirit of the people became the key to economic prosperity and strengthening in the international arena. A successful fight against external interference in internal affairs, resistance to numerous sanctions will bring colossal success. Pseudo-liberals, who tried to disrupt the stable order of the country, bring confusion and raise an artificial uprising, will flee abroad. But the Europeans, wise by the bitter experience of cooperation with the traitors, will give them back, and everyone will get what they deserve. The same will happen to those who have been hiding from the authorities for a long time because of large bribes, theft. The countries of Europe will hand them over with giblets and will be ready to return to Russia all the sums they have stolen. And there is a reason for this – the Russian Federation will come to the aid of Europeans who have lost their calmness and the notorious, high standard of living due to regular support for the insidious US policy. As for the main economic directions, Russia will switch from Europe to the East and Asia. This is stated in her messages not only by Matrona, but also by Vanga, a Bulgarian fortune teller and healer. A powerful union of great civilizations, whose history spans millennia, will be created. The countries of Europe will hand them over with giblets and will be ready to return to Russia all the sums they have stolen. And there is a reason for this – the Russian Federation will come to the aid of Europeans who have lost their calmness and the notorious, high standard of living due to regular support for the insidious US policy. As for the main economic directions, Russia will switch from Europe to the East and Asia. This is stated in her messages not only by Matrona, but also by Vanga, a Bulgarian fortune teller and healer. A powerful union of great civilizations, whose history spans millennia, will be created. The countries of Europe will hand them over with giblets and will be ready to return to Russia all the sums they have stolen. And there is a reason for this – the Russian Federation will come to the aid of Europeans who have lost their calmness and the notorious, high standard of living due to regular support for the insidious US policy. As for the main economic directions, Russia will switch from Europe to the East and Asia. This is stated in her messages not only by Matrona, but also by Vanga, a Bulgarian fortune teller and healer. A powerful union of great civilizations, whose history spans millennia, will be created. then Russia will switch from Europe to the East and Asia. This is stated in her messages not only by Matrona, but also by Vanga, a Bulgarian fortune teller and healer. A powerful union of great civilizations, whose history spans millennia, will be created. then Russia will switch from Europe to the East and Asia. This is stated in her messages not only by Matrona, but also by Vanga, a Bulgarian fortune teller and healer. A powerful union of great civilizations, whose history spans millennia, will be created.
      Thanks to close cooperation in the agricultural, industrial, space, pharmaceutical, and defense sectors with India, China, the Russian Federation will become the world’s leader. Despite its power, Russia will continue to develop mutual cooperation with states that have endured pressure from Europe and the United States – Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico. It is thanks to the actions of Russian diplomacy and the strengthening of military power with the help of the military complex of the Russian Federation that rogue countries will be able to withstand a series of conflicts artificially created by the United States. Russia will not forget about its permanent partners — the countries of the CIS and Africa.”

Clairvoyant predictions for 2019 (4 photos)

    • Forecast 3. Vlad Rossa. This person is known for his truthful predictions, made both on the basis of real facts and on the basis of astrological readings. Among the predictions, his forecast is the most neutral. He promises both ups and downs throughout the coming year, and emphasizes that developments depend on the actions of the government. But from what events does he warn our country?
      1. Exacerbation of interethnic conflicts. Moreover, in this paragraph, we are not talking about neighboring states, but primarily about the internal population of Russia. Slavs and Finno-Ugric peoples can declare war on the Caucasian nationalities. If the conflict is not suppressed, then the Chechen Autonomous Okrug and some other southeastern regions may secede from the Russian Federation, which is highly undesirable.
      2. State coup. Relations between the church and atheists, between “right” and “left” activists have now become aggravated. Against this background, Russia may become mired in internal conflicts that will lead to a coup d’état. This theory is supported by the words of Globa and Nemchin, who predict the arrival of the “Great Potter” in 2018, capable of taking the Russian Federation to a new level. Just this year, the next presidential election is taking place.
      3. Strengthening Ukraine. The neighboring state, gradually getting out of the state of internal conflicts, threatens to try to return the taken territories. Namely, Crimea and the eastern regions, which were not officially separated from the state. Ross predicts that restoring order in the DPR and other seceding areas will be successful. But Crimea will remain in the hands of Russia.

Clairvoyant predictions for 2019 (4 photos)

    • Forecast 4. Nostradamus. His predictions in the modern world came true very often, the most important thing is to correctly recognize and understand their essence and meaning. All his predictions are hidden in verses. What awaits the world?
      1. Various environmental disasters. The words of Nostradamus can mean not only a flood, but also an earthquake. The beginning of the epidemic, drought (which is unlikely against the backdrop of recent heavy rains in Europe) is not excluded. The most plausible option is a flood. Against the backdrop of global warming, glaciers are melting, the water from which raises the level of the World Ocean and is capable of flooding coastal zones.
      2. The ecological catastrophe will not affect Russia. Only its northern parts are under threat. If the prediction of Nostradamus comes true, the inhabitants of the Czech Republic and Hungary may begin to emigrate to Russia. This will lead to the emergence of national, financial problems, but at the same time, a “brain gain” will begin. Russia can replenish with new specialists, improve its mentality against the background of the influx of Western culture.

Which of these predictions will become a reality, and which will remain prophecies, time will tell, we will only hope for the best.

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